(2 minute read)
As a restaurant, our two main ingredients are very broad feels of existence: food and people. Food is something that we create, we prepare, we combine and modify, it’s the result of human experimentation and accumulated knowledge. People, in the other hand, are the flowers of creation and, at the same time, also the creators of themselves. People accumulate knowledge and taste, we all understand concepts such as change and time, we are the organic expression complexity.
Our interaction is a magical thing that gives meaning to each of our lives. We feel amazing when we manage to harmonize those interactions; alignments between one person and another means alignment between infinities, between of our own inner worlds, and, because of that, it is our primary source of learning about ourselves. Those interactions determine who we are, who we become, what we experience and share, and the fact we all have a unique background and can still learn how to agree with others is one humanity´s most beautiful traits.
Over the years, with the participation of people from all over the world we have created a restaurant that lives in the experiences of each one involved. Generating this group dynamic has taught us to embrace the different motivations of all the people who interact in the daily manifestation of Kitchen Table. Clients, staffs and suppliers cross their lives and our work is to make it happen in a way that all parts find meaningful. Our way to do that is to focus on the qualities of each person and what they can bring to that interaction.
“If you want to go fast go alone, of you want to go far go together” says the African proverb. We are in no rush, we go without haste and without pause, we want to be part of people’s life as they are part of ours. We all long for that connection, we know we feel good when we share the beat with others, we know that, together each of us gets better. What a chance to be part of this river.
Food is who we are, what we do, what we dream and live, the creation around which we gather and celebrate our encounter. That encounter is our main dish at Kitchen Table, a dynamic cocktail that feels good because we know that, above all, people are the ingredients in our recipe of reality.